Thursday, July 9, 2009

Parking lot

The design for the lot is drafted and will realign parking to be parallel to the building rather than nose to the building. This will keep the front side of the building relatively free of bumpers and metal mass, for easier access and more flexibility for our retailers.

There is some design discussion out there concerning angled vs 90 degree spots. We'll go with 90 degrees to allow bidirectional traffic through the lot. The idea is to impose a minimum amount of order (in keeping with other things Davis, no?). There are recommended bay depths and turnaround widths which we are also incorporating. I will try to provide for one ADA spot up front, though I'm sure it will get plenty of use by the not-so-wheel-chair-bound.

With the new design we plan to eliminate parking opportunities on WV32 (William Ave) along the property frontage. It is less safe and looks like hell as well. We will also border some of the lot's perimeter with log guard rail that will stop thru-traffic, retain errant drivers and pedestrians, yet allow snow plows to move snow through them.

The grass island out front will be made narrower and longer along William Ave. It will feature a stone monument with a wood signage backdrop and uplighting. Each store will be listed directory-style (uniform size) in it's preferred font.

Access to the lot will still consist of two points but their widths will be narrowed to control traffic. The access road to the back of the building will exit the lot near the volley ball court and the other de facto roadways adjacent to the lot will be blocked off with log pole guard rails.

This is the plan. Any inputs are always appreciated.

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