Friday, November 30, 2007

Keep riding

Got to Davis at 5pm sharp last night to meet friends, and sure enough the Ride@5 was departing Blackwater Bikes. Sure it was 34 degrees, but the air was crisp and Dobbin House trail would be dry enough. This -- I hear -- involved headlamps for anyone who valued their bones. Muttley's steak special was good as always...$1/oz for tbone. The new frontage is nice on Muttleys. I just wish that the owner wouldn't dump his construction debris in the alley adjacent to the Riverfront Park.

Parson's Advocate today had an article about the slow but steady progress of the Davis Riverfront Park. Next week you should see a follow-up piece on Davis Riverwalk, by the editor Chris Stadelman.

Met Congressman Mollohan at Muttley's, too. This man really cares about the future of this community -- the Valley, Davis and Thomas. It is very exciting to have someone in office representing WV who recognizes the importance of this area. On a related note, it appears the Governor may have bought a condo in the Valley. This friends is a great indication for our visibility in the years to come.

1 comment:

Highland Prospects said...

Pete, Great comment on the trash from Muttey's in the alley across from the town's park. I mean come on the landfill is 2 miles away.