The two big garage door to the right of Hypno Coffee may become just one, with a new storefront design being planned this month. With these financial markets there is always a question mark on financing, but we are nearing the next step forward at Riverwalk. Visitors would enter the building via a common vestibule and then see store doors to all three suites (though Hypno will of course still have their own direct entrance). In warmer months the huge garage door could be opened for open air markets. Though it is an insulated door it will need a barrier while closed in winter. HVAC wrap insulation such as
Astro-Foil appear to be a good solution for seaonally battening down the garage door opening. In the hard winter months the entry vestibule will help save energy costs and serve as a place for public postings.
Economically I am trying to stay in line with traditional Davis/Thomas rents while delivering space with low energy costs, low construction waste, and that meets WV construction codes. Not to mention our penchant for the rough and ready aesthetic of the lumber frontier town...
After a successful project and tenant move-in, I plan to re-surface and stripe the parking lot. But first things first!
That space begs for a small brewery with a global street food menu. Complete the deck from Hypno Coffee across the back for some cool beer drinking while gazing at the river.
Fair enough, and I think one day there may be at least a bistro and market in that space, but for now it looks like Highland Prospects outdoor clothing and gear will assume the mantle. Imagine grabbing your coffee and heading next door to browze the latest soft shells or trail runners. Less of the 'fire and ice' combination you propose, but certainly a ying and yang combo. I'm betting these two fit together pretty well to help each other's sales and make that location an attraction.
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