Monday, June 8, 2009

Elections Tuesday

Tomorrow is Election Day in Davis and the townspeople will re-elect our good mayor...however there is a little drama in the race for Town Council. The Davis Town Council consists of 5 elected people who have been elected without much competition in the past couple of elections that I am aware of. This year three incumbents declined to run, prompting several new folks to raise their hands. What is unique about this year's lineup is not just the competition for spots, but the profile of candidates. Three of the candidates are "new entrepreneurs," ie residents who chose Davis in the past few years for the lifestyle it offers, and are building businesses. They are entrepreneurs who are actively engaged in the town's growth segments -- hospitality/dining and retail that serve permanent residents and visitors. They are also relatively young. The town is friendly to business and friendly in general, but it would be very promising to see several of our town's small business leaders elected to council.

One can imagine an array of political dividing lines between newcomers, old timers, entrepreneurs, miners, retirees etc. Frankly I have not really seen a huge amount of evidence that inequitable treatment or gamesmanship is a factor in Davis government. What I have seen is a sort of no-change approach to government which mostly considers the quiet life of an aging post-mining population. This has been fine for the years I have been involved with Davis and it will be fine for a few more as well. However, the voters of Davis are the residents of Davis, and the residents of Davis are increasingly people who choose Davis for what it is and will become. Folks who are here to build a practice or a company and raise a family have a huge stake in this town. They are the true economic and cultural leaders of Davis and they will lead with the energy they pour into their interests -- in education, culture, economic strength, volunteerism, and the village life they share.

Insofar as this election goes, I won't be surprised if these three 'new entrepreneurs' get elected. If they do, we will have a town council whose collective experience includes what it takes to start and run a business today in Davis. As a developer in Davis I would be ecstatic to see such a huge step for Davis government. I might also get to find out out what the town ordinances are.;)

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