Friday, September 26th
10am – 4:30pm
Fall Foliage Horseback Ride. Mt. Trail Rides, Canaan Valley.
Enjoy the area’s fall foliage from horseback, Don’t forget your cameras!
Identify yourself as a “Leaf Peeper” and receive a 10% discount.
Reservations a MUST! Call 304-866-4652
5:30 pm
DTEMS PTO Cake Walk. Davis Fire Fall, Davis.
Come enjoy old family fashion fun. Many cakes to be won.
If inclement weather, Cake walk will be moved inside.
8:30 pm
Music, Purple Fiddle, Thomas.
The Purple Fiddle is proud to host Trent Wagler and the Steel Wheels.
$12 cover charge. Kids Free. For information 304-463-4040.
Saturday, September 27th
7:00 am
Migrating Birds Walk, CV NWR.
Hike will last a couple of hours. Hike led by Casey Rucker.
Meet @ the CVW Refuge Visitors Center in Canaan Valley.
For more information 304-866-3858.
9am – 5pm
Appalachian Craft & Food Fair, Davis Fire Hall. Davis.
Crafters & Artists from all over the region display their specialties.
Many items for sale including; painted wood slates, ceramics,
fabric crafts, baked goods and hot food from the kitchen by the
Blackwater Rebekah Lodge ladies. For more information 304-259-5315.
9am – 4 pm
Photo Contest, Davis Fire Hall. Davis.
As you stroll through the Appalachian Craft & Food Fair, stop and cast
your vote for your favorite photo. There will be an adult & junior
category, along with a Black & White, professional and digital category.
All photos must be matted and turned in to the Information Center by
5:00 p.m. Friday September 26th .Public Judging. Voting takes place
from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Winners announced at 4pm. For more information
call 304-259-5315.
Elakala Trail Walk, Blackwater Falls State Park.
Meet the naturalist in the Lodge Lobby for a walk along the Elakala trail.
This trail winds along the canyons rim over a section of a creek waterfall
and by some huge sandstone rock formations. Some steps, one mile,
about one hour. For more information call 304-259-5216.
Tour of Davis Run For It 2K/ 5K or Walk, Davis Fire Hall.
Sponsored by the TCEF. Men, women and youth classes. Prizes and
trophies awarded. 5K is certified and sanctioned by U.S. Track & Field.
Pre register before Sept.15th or register day of race at 8:00a.m. @ the
Davis Fire Hall. Race starts at 10:00 a.m. at the Davis Fire Hall. For more
information 304-478-2930.
10am - ?
Outdoor BBQ. Windwood Fly-In Resort, Canaan Valley.
Outdoor BBQ, pumpkin face painting, candy apples,
baked goods, door prizes, free gifts for kids, plane rides. For
information 304-866-7456
10am – 3pm
Silent Auction, Davis Fire Hall, Davis.
Bid on various items from local businesses. Many items to be won!
Items include; Lodging Packages, Ski Passes, Handcrafted items
and more!! Sponsored by Tucker County COC. For more
information call 304-259-5451.
10am – 4pm
Craft Show, Canaan Valley.
Sponsored by the Canaan Valley Women’s Club. Over 30 tables of quality
handmade crafts by area and out-of-state crafters at the Canaan Valley Fire
Department. For more information 304-621-2537.
10am – 4:30pm
Fall Foliage Horseback Ride. Mt. Trail Rides, Canaan Valley.
Enjoy the area’s fall foliage from horseback, Don’t forget your cameras!
Identify yourself as a “Leaf Peeper” and receive a 10% discount.
Reservations a MUST! Call 304-866-4652
10am – 5pm
Food Tasting, Moutnainmade Country Store, Thomas.
Visit Mountainmade Country store for a taste of Gourmet Foods of WV.
For more information 463-3376.
Revenge of the Rattlesnake Mountainbike Race
The longest running mountainbike race in the world will start at
Timberline Four Seasons Resort and finish in Davis with a lot of roots
and rocks in between! Registration opens at 9:00 AM. More information
contact Blackwater Bikes at 259-5286 or visit
11am - ??
Oktoberfest. Across from the Davis Fire Hall, Davis.
Beer, music, dancing & food! A true Oktoberfest atmosphere. Sample
treats from local businesses/organizations. Music to include; The Davisson
Brothers & The Sugar Stompers. Sponsored by the Tucker County COC.
For information 304-259-5451.
Canoe/Kayak Float Trips, Across from Davis VFD along river.
Come out and experience the Blackwater River up close! Blackwater Outdoor
Adventures will be renting Canoes/Kayaks on the Blackwater River across
from the Davis VFD. For more info call 304-478-3775.
Blackwater Canyon Bike Ride
Drivers will meet at the USFS Nursery Bottom trail head at Bretz to set up
shuttles at noon. Riders will depart from Purple Fiddle at 1:00 p.m. Helmets
are required. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored
by Highland Trail Foundation. For more information
Blackwater Falls Memory Log, Blackwater Falls State Park
Meet in the Harold S. Walter Nature Center to create your own memory log.
This craft is completed in two session. Craft fee $4. For more information
call 304-259-5216.
Blackwater Dazzlers Performance, Next to Oktoberfest Tent.
Come out and support this group of girls as they “Strut their stuff”. This
organization is relatively new to the area and features all local girls. If
inclement weather, the performance will be moved to the Davis
Community Center. For more information call 304-614-8125
8:30 pm
Ghost Walk, Davis.
Take a “walk back in time” through the streets of Davis, stopping at different
locations where stories of strange and unusual happenings have occurred.
$5.00 per person. Meet at the Old National Bank of Davis Parking lot.
For information 304-866-4455.
8:30 pm
Music, Purple Fiddle, Thomas.
The Purple Fiddle is proud to host the Jay Ungar & Molly Mason Family Band
$12 cover charge. Kids Free. For information 304-463-4040.
Sunday, September 28th
8am – 1pm
Fireman’s Fall Feed, Davis Fire Hall, Davis
Support our local Fire Department with this glorious breakfast of Pancakes,
Buckwheat Cakes & Sausage Gravy & Biscuits! $7 for adults & $4 for Kids (12 & Under)
Fall Colors Trail Hike, CVNWR.
Join Master Naturalists Bruce and Andy Dalton on this trail hike
on Cabin Mountain trails, looking at fall colors and a nice view of the
valley! Meet @ the CVW Refuge Visitors Center in Canaan Valley.
For more information 304-866-3858.
11th Annual Fall Colors Golf Tournament, Canaan Valley Resort.
New Format includes open division, Play for cash! Best Ball scramble
w/ two divisions, open & handicap. Lots of great prizes!! For rules
& more information call 304-259-5315.
10am – 3pm
Tree Planting, Friends of Blackwater-Davis Park & BWFSP.
As part of National Public Lands Day (NPLD) we will be planting red spruce
trees at Davis City Park and Blackwater Falls State Park on the
new “River Trail” across the bridge from Davis. Volunteer any time from
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Tools provided. Meet at the canoe landing behind the
old Shop-n-Save (across from Sirianni's). Call Brandae Mullins at (304)
345-7663 to register. Get a free T-Shirt, good exercise and celebrate the
75th anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps by continuing their
Inaugural Downhill Mountainbike Race. Timberline Resort
We've worked on the course all summer and it's time to GO! Registration is
At 9am and racing starts at noon! For more information contact Timberline
at 1-800-SNOWING or
12pm- 4pm
Canoe/Kayak Float Trips, Across from Davis VFD along river.
Come out and experience the Blackwater River up close! Blackwater Outdoor
Adventures will be renting Canoes/Kayaks on the Blackwater River across
from the Davis VFD. For more info call 304-478-3775.
Duck Race, Beaver Creek Bridge, Davis.
Over 700 ducks are released into Beaver Creek. First, Second, Third & Last duck
to cross finish line wins $$. Duck Tickets are $2.00 each & can be purchased at the
Information Center. Tickets must be purchased before 12:00 p.m. on Sunday.
13th Annual Dog Show, Parking lot across from DVFD, Davis.
Your dog could win a prize for Best Trick, Best Dressed or Best of Show and
many more categories. Show will take place rain or shine (if inclement weather,
will be held under the tent) Sponsored by the Mountaineer Humane society.
Music, Purple Fiddle, Thomas.
The Purple Fiddle is proud to host Johnny Possum's Good Time Hootin' Band
$8.00 cover charge. Kids Free For more information 304-463-4040.
Thanks for attending & we hope to see you next year
September 25th – 27th, 2009
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Plant a red spruce for Natl Pub Lands Day!
Leaf Peepers Weekend -- The Friends of Blackwater are organizing a tree planting session for Sunday September 28th, 9am, starting at the Riverwalk canoe put-in (behind the old shopnsave) in Davis.
The purpose of the event is to promote the enhancement and use of public lands as part of the celebration of National Public Lands Day. This year the focus is on celebrating the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Civilian Conservation Corps. They have historically taken on reforestation projects in the Blackwater Area. Planting will start in the Davis Riverfront Park and will continue across the river, and all the way to the Gentle Trail overlooking Blackwater Falls (approx 1.5 miles).
The Riverfront Park team will advise on a couple of good locations for spruce plantations. It is exciting to consider that red spruce will once again grow where the initial town surveyor set about clear cutting "stump town." The Red or Black Spruce does not grow as fast as the non-native Norway Spruce, and is not as ornamental, but it is native and conveys its own inspiration. The Red Spruce is really the signature tree of the high Alleghenies. Amazingly, you could not even get Red Spruce saplings until a few years ago, so the planting of sapling plantations is a recent phenonenom. Unfortunately, I think this led many over the years to resort to planting Norways or pines simply because there was no source for natives.
They may also get some balsam firs for the planting effort. The fir is less prevalent in the Valley, and tends to be visible in wet understory areas such as on Canaan Mountain.
To get involved: Call Friends of Blackwater Canyon at 877-WVA-LAND (877-982-5263) or email
Friday, August 15, 2008
Breaking the silence
Monday, August 11, 2008
Canoeing at Riverwalk for Leaf Peepers

I and a few others here in Davis have imagined canoes ending flatwater trips at the take-out just behind the old shopnsave (future Riverwalk Shops). And having boats racked there would make it convenient to rent for just a 30 minute paddle up to the new road bridge and around the little islands...perhaps do some trout fishing, or just see the town from a new perspective.
For Leaf Peepers we're going to make it reality. Blackwater Outdoor Adventures will have a few boats of various types at the water for festival goers to take out for a spin. You probably can't go downstream due to shallow rapids but there is plenty of slightly deeper still water backing up to the vicinity of the bridge.
If this dream has legs, then one day there'll be tubing, canoeing, and kayaking from Camp 70 and Beaver Creek start points, taking out at Davis Riverwalk. The goal is to offer families an easy adventure on flat water that ends right downtown.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Still logs running the Blackwater

Friday, August 8, 2008
Carnival rides for Leaf Peepers

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuscan Ridge Video
Never knew this existed, but here it is
At this time, there are over 100 lots sold and no construction. It would appear that many people bought as investors without knowing anything about Canaan Valley. Often making buys in blocks, investors receive concessions that eliminate any outlay for downpayment. They often then secured financing that provided for no payments for periods up to a couple of years. All this presumably to be positioned to flip the lot(s). Well, now Tuscan Ridge lots are not selling in the secondary market for even 60% of their original prices. How a company was able to get so many lots sold in the 90K range when comps did not support them, I just don't understand.
The proportions of this pump and dump project aside, I think it is ultimately good for Canaan to have another professionally executed development. Unfortunately, that good effect will unfold on the backs of the original buyers. Not until houses are constructed will Tuscan be more than a motionless wake behind a large land developer. My take is that average lots in Tuscan Ridge are worth (ie would actually sell for) about $45K.
Now guess what...comps have developed over the past year or two in Davis that support in-town corner lots in the low $40's. Tuscan's 90-100K price point for 1/2 acre was not sustainable and is now heading for $40's or $50's by the time some actually resell. Canaan has been falling a bit but not 40%, so I suspect that Tuscan's original closing prices reflected seller concessions, side agreements, and/or clever financing. Davis lots are up to mid $20s for 40ft lots and low $40s for a corner (if you can even get one). These are lots that were selling in the 'teens 3 and 4 years ago.
Tuscan market values are headed for the $40s. Downtown Davis will converge on perhaps a few $K less for smaller lots right in town. It could be argued that Tuscan has already been good for Davis downtown. Over the coming years leading into Corridor H completion to Davis, any progress in Tuscan will be good for Davis, and vice versa.
At this time, there are over 100 lots sold and no construction. It would appear that many people bought as investors without knowing anything about Canaan Valley. Often making buys in blocks, investors receive concessions that eliminate any outlay for downpayment. They often then secured financing that provided for no payments for periods up to a couple of years. All this presumably to be positioned to flip the lot(s). Well, now Tuscan Ridge lots are not selling in the secondary market for even 60% of their original prices. How a company was able to get so many lots sold in the 90K range when comps did not support them, I just don't understand.
The proportions of this pump and dump project aside, I think it is ultimately good for Canaan to have another professionally executed development. Unfortunately, that good effect will unfold on the backs of the original buyers. Not until houses are constructed will Tuscan be more than a motionless wake behind a large land developer. My take is that average lots in Tuscan Ridge are worth (ie would actually sell for) about $45K.
Now guess what...comps have developed over the past year or two in Davis that support in-town corner lots in the low $40's. Tuscan's 90-100K price point for 1/2 acre was not sustainable and is now heading for $40's or $50's by the time some actually resell. Canaan has been falling a bit but not 40%, so I suspect that Tuscan's original closing prices reflected seller concessions, side agreements, and/or clever financing. Davis lots are up to mid $20s for 40ft lots and low $40s for a corner (if you can even get one). These are lots that were selling in the 'teens 3 and 4 years ago.
Tuscan market values are headed for the $40s. Downtown Davis will converge on perhaps a few $K less for smaller lots right in town. It could be argued that Tuscan has already been good for Davis downtown. Over the coming years leading into Corridor H completion to Davis, any progress in Tuscan will be good for Davis, and vice versa.
Advocate is the new beta source for the Valley
The Parson's Advocate has been steadily becoming more informative in all things Canaan over the past few years, delving into stories concerning all of Tucker County and providing good coverage of business and community news for Canaan Valley, Davis and Thomas. The latest fire, theft or flood is interesting, but the Advocate goes further to provide good information about the latest small business, latest relevant bills passed, latest festivals, the activities of Canaan Valley Institute and Vandalia Heritage Foundation, or the latest controversial power line or windmill. These are frankly very valuable pieces in understanding the progress of Canaan Valley, and hard information to come by if you are not in the middle of it all.
And now you can get all the goods ON LINE!
I predict that as this site gets richer content and more awareness, the Parson's Advocate will effectively capture the second home owner readership of Tucker County.
And now you can get all the goods ON LINE!
I predict that as this site gets richer content and more awareness, the Parson's Advocate will effectively capture the second home owner readership of Tucker County.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Davisson Bros for Leaf Peeper's in Downtown Davis
September 27th, 11am. After you run in the fund raising RunForIt 5K foot race, kick back for a concert performance by the Davisson Brothers! The Davisson Brothers Band has a unique style infusing a remarkable blend of country, southern rock, and bluegrass to create a distinctive sound captured in their first single, "Big City Hillbilly." This sound, combined with the band's talent and energy, has gained a loyal fan base all over the Eastern United States. Brothers Chris and Donnie Davisson and cousin Sammy Davisson, along with childhood friend Aaron Regester, are continuing musical pursuits started by the Davisson family long ago. Aaron's reliable drums and Sammy's solid bass groove provide the perfect foundation for Donnie's impassioned, soulful vocals with Sammy's flawless harmonies all driven by Chris's mind-bending blend of bluegrass, country, and blues guitar creating a sound unlike anything you've ever heard. "Music has always been a part of our lives," says Chris, "and now we're living our dad's and uncle's dream—playing music around the country and hearing ourselves on the radio."
Monday, August 4, 2008
Timberline's new Downhills Mapped and Photographed
We love those rocky Canaan single track trails, and now we can love them downhill. Thanks JR for designing and implementing this fantastic new set of trails on the Timberline ski mountain. And thanks to Digital Area Maps you can see the first of the trails and related photos online at:
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