The "Tour of Davis -- Run For It!" event is a 5K run or walk organized by the Tucker Community Endowment Foundation (TCEF) to raise money for various community causes that are represented by teams. TCEF itself is offering various add-on contributions for teams that win various competitive categories. I have been intrigued with the progress and financial growth of the TCEF endowment, and it's management is efficient -- meaning they don't have high expenses and get alot of money to their charitable causes. Last year I was stunned to see no team running to raise money for the Riverfront Park. Cemeteries and Libraries are nice, but they won't drive the economic development of Davis the way a beautiful park would. The small parks in downtown Crested Butte, Durango, Telluride, Jackson, Santa Fe -- you name the mountain jewel -- are important to attracting and retaining visitors.
This year is the year that the Riverfront Park gets on the track to win some support.
The team I would like to introduce is "The Riverfront Ramblers." The team captain is Sandy Schmiedeknecht of Davis and the team's cause is the Town of Davis' Riverfront Park. For those not familiar with this nascent but exciting town park, it is a 5-acre parcel along the Blackwater River behind the old bank building, and the historical site of the Babcock Boom and Lumber Company mills. In the illustrative plan shown in this post, the park comprises the undeveloped green space, trails, gardens and plantations. These past two summers, volunteers and contractors have been clearing trails, grading land, removing hazards, installing benches and defining future amenities for the park. Ultimately, it will have a pavillion, an amphitheater for concerts in the park, a trail head information kiosk, a pedestrian bridge across the river to Blackwater Falls State Park, and other attractions for young and old. The Davis Riverfront Park will be a wonderful green space to enhance your visit to downtown Davis. The Davis Parks & Recreation Commission owns and manages the park, and qualifies for tax deductible contributions.
How can you participate or help?
Enter the event as a Riverfront Rambler for $10 and get a race T-shirt!
Sponsor the team for $100 or any amount you see fit! I have pledged a match of $5,000 as a dollar for dollar match to all contributions made on behalf of the Riverfront Rambler's cause.
For more information:
Tucker Community Endowment Foundation is at www.tuckerfoundation.net
Riverfront Ramblers Team Captain, Sandy Schmiedeknecht, 304-642-9047 or qsandy@mountain.net